Start Your Side Hustle Business from Home with AI Now

Starting a side hustle business from home with the help of AI-powered tools is a great way to earn extra income. In a recent video, ecommerce expert Steve Chou shared four ideas for starting a side hustle that can be powered by free AI tools. Here’s how you can get started.

Idea #1: Selling Enamel Pins

Enamel pins are small metal pins adorned with designs and can be sold online through platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. By using free AI tools such as Jungle Scout, sellers can identify profitable niches for enamel pins. To get started with selling enamel pins, you should:

  • Research popular enamel pin designs and identify a profitable niche
  • Create your own unique designs using free design software like Canva or Pixlr
  • Promote your pins effectively on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram

Idea #2: Print-on-Demand Merchandise

Print-on-demand platforms like Printful allow entrepreneurs to create custom merchandise including t-shirts, hats, and mugs with their own designs. This type of business is easy to set up and requires minimal investment upfront. To start selling print-on-demand merchandise, you should:

  • Choose a product to sell based on your interests or market demand
  • Create unique designs for your products using free design software
  • Set up an online store on platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce
  • Promote your products through social media marketing campaigns

Idea #3: Creating Coloring Books

Creating digital coloring books is another side hustle that can be powered by AI-powered software like Book Bolt. This tool allows users to create digital coloring books that don’t require shipping or inventory management. To get started with creating coloring books:

  • Identify popular themes for coloring books based on market trends
  • Use Book Bolt to create customized coloring book pages featuring unique designs
  • Sell your digital products through online marketplaces such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Gumroad

Idea #4: Selling Custom-designed Stickers

Selling custom-designed stickers online can also be a lucrative side hustle business. Free AI tools like Canva and Pixlr make it easy to design professional-looking stickers that appeal to different audiences. To start selling custom-designed stickers, you should:

  • Identify popular trends for sticker designs on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram
  • Create your own unique designs using free design software
  • Sell your stickers through online marketplaces such as Etsy or Redbubble

Throughout the video, Steve emphasizes the benefits of using free AI tools for starting an ecommerce business from home. He also directs viewers to sign up for his free 6-day ecommerce course or purchase his best-selling book titled The Family First Entrepreneur, which includes $690 worth of bonuses.

In summary, starting a side hustle business from home with the help of AI-powered tools is a great way to earn extra income. By leveraging these affordable and accessible tools and tapping into popular trends such as enamel pins, print-on-demand merchandising, coloring books, and stickers, you can start a profitable side hustle from the comfort of your own home.

Learn more about this by watching this video: