Follow These Four Principles to Make 100000$ per Year

Making $100k is in the top 1% of all income earners worldwide. The speaker has made over $200k per year from side hustles. The following four principles will be shared to make $100k per year.

Break down the goal

A goal of $100k a year should be broken down into smaller, achievable targets. $100k a year is equivalent to $274 a day. Goal setting should be visualized, and progress tracked with daily targets.

Figure out why you want to make $100k

A clear reason should exist for wanting to earn $100k. A vision board can help to stay focused on the goal during difficult times.

Highlight and push your talents

The internet provides many platforms for showcasing your talents. Comparing oneself to others should be avoided, and emphasis put on highlighting unique strengths.

The Importance of Personal Branding and Overcoming Competition

Focus on your personality and what you bring to the table, as there will be people more attracted to you than those who own the market or niche. Instead of worrying about the competition, concentrate on yourself, and you will find people who appreciate what you can do. Aim for just one percent of the population to be attracted to you, as that is millions of people.

Going Through the Trials of Entrepreneurship

Every entrepreneurial lifestyle comes with trials and frustrations, and getting used to them is essential. It’s crucial to remain focused on your goal despite any obstacles or presence of haters.

Leverage Your Success by Growing Your Mind

Focus on personal growth and getting around people who share your mindset and goals. The more you do this, the more successful you will become.

Recommended Books for Personal and Business Growth

Three recommended books include Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, and YouTube Secrets by Sean. Compound Effect provides insight into being consistent to success. The Total Money Makeover offers advice on getting out of debt. YouTube Secrets is helpful for YouTubers.

“I have links to all of these books down below in the description, and also an Audible 30-day free trial to continue to grow and expand your mind to get ready for your $100,000 per year goal. So, check out those links down below.”