This Guy Tried Affiliate Marketing with TikTok 7 Days

Exploring Affiliate Marketing on Social Media Platforms

In this comprehensive video, the creator takes us through their journey of attempting affiliate marketing on popular social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube shorts. The video provides valuable insights into the process and highlights the key takeaways from their seven-day experiment.

Tools for Optimizing Content

One of the most helpful aspects of the video is how it links viewers to some of the creator’s favorite tools for optimizing content. VidIQ, Fiverr, Wise are just a few of the tools mentioned that can help increase engagement and ultimately lead to more successful affiliate marketing efforts.

VidIQ is an SEO tool that helps creators optimize their videos by providing keyword recommendations and analytics. Fiverr is an online marketplace where creators can hire freelancers for tasks like video editing, graphic design, and copywriting. Wise is a payment platform that allows creators to receive payments from international clients without incurring high fees.

Realistic Expectations

As with any venture, it’s important to note that success isn’t guaranteed. The video includes a legal disclaimer stating that earnings or income statements are aspirational only and dependent on various factors such as work ethic and experience. This is a crucial reminder that affiliate marketing requires dedication and hard work to yield positive results.


Overall, this video is an excellent resource for anyone interested in trying their hand at affiliate marketing on social media platforms. It provides useful tips and tools while also setting realistic expectations for potential income. By taking advantage of these resources and committing to putting in the effort required, anyone can have a shot at achieving success with affiliate marketing on social media platforms.